Contact us

Project proposals are assembled based on a combination of the following: current material prices, anticipated man hours to complete project, and additional associated costs which may include rental equipment, lodging, etc., and will be discussed within the scope of an individual project. Certain projects, or portions of a project may be quoted as “Time & Materials” (T&M). A site visit may be required to ensure an accurate proposal can be provided and will be scheduled according to availability. Once all relevant information is collected, a prospective customer can expect a formal proposal within 10 business days.

Request a project proposal

Complete the form below to tell us about your project and we will contact you to discuss the details. Please provide as much information as possible and give us an approximate date of when you would like the project to begin. You may also email or call us to request a job proposal. Our general response time to online inquiries is one to two business days.


➤ location

20905 280th Ave
Sleepy Eye, MN 56085


Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8AM - 4:30PM


☎ Contact
(507) 794-4245


Interested candidates can email or drop off a completed application in person during normal office hours.